OxygenD's Editor Blog with Diane Hart

Monday, October 4, 2010

Easing sore muscles!

We're counting down here at the office until our half-marathon and yesterday I tackled my first 12 km run! I'm not sure how you take on a new challenge, but I was determined – with only a couple of weeks to go, I knew I had to bump up the distance! I was lucky – nice and cool, no rain and quiet. A hot shower and cup of coffee afterwards and I was a new person! Plus, I bought myself a foam roller to ease my muscles – I highly recommend it! Any other tips I could use, please send my way! For instance, does anyone know a great tip for staying fueled for the race? Let me know! I'm all ears!


  1. My best recommendation would be to walk briefly through the water stations to ensure you take in enough fluids. I also carry my own water belt and take a 30s-1min walk at each mile to take a small drink... Do what works for you and don't change your routine on race day! Good luck!

  2. I totally agree with the comment posted - rehearse everything, especially hydration and fuel. Whether it's a particular brand of gel, shot blocks, jelly beans, or anything else it's important to know what it will do to your body before race day. Hydration is a constant battle and if you can carry water with you somehow - do it. If you can get by (if you think it will be cool enough race day) without, get water and/or electrolyte drinks at every water station. Prior to the race eat something light. I like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich 90 minutes prior. Good luck to the whole office on the race!
