OxygenD's Editor Blog with Diane Hart

Monday, July 19, 2010

How do you get motivated?

Well, even though we're thrilled with our latest Oxygen special, we're already at work on the next one and we need your help! How do you keep your mind on track so you can reach all of your fitness goals? And what's worked for you in other areas of your life? Please let me know here!

1 comment:

  1. I struggle with motivation from time to time when it comes to staying on track with my fitness goals. Picking up one my issues of Oxygen Mag or even seeing some of my Fitspirations on my facebook feed always gets me going.
    I also recently learned the importance of meditation. Every morning before I start my day and every night before bed, I sit on the floor in my quiet corner/space (with a candle lit) in silence and just take deep cleansing breaths.....I do this for about 10mins.In the mornings, after writing in my gratitude journal, I review my to do list for the day which is usually made the night before.
    Everyone needs a "Me Space = Me Time....even if it's only 5-10mins at a time!!! It clears my mind and really helps me focus. I find that it affects all areas of my life. Making me a more focused and sane woman throughout the day =)
