OxygenD's Editor Blog with Diane Hart

Monday, November 16, 2009

Get off the couch

I have to say I’m stoked these days – my clean eating is on track, I’m back to regular workouts after a bout of bronchitis and, truth to tell, I actually got some sleep this weekend.

As we face the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, I’d like to encourage you to stay Off the Couch! by choosing good clean food, staying active with the family and getting in some rest. I’m learning, finally, the value of rest – of being good to myself and taking some time out of a busy schedule to connect with friends and family. Holidays can be a brutal time for your clean-eating and exercise regimen – but it doesn’t have to be that way. Think about modifying your routine, making better food choices and doing what I’ve finally learned to be invaluable to my health and fitness goals – sleep. Be good to yourself and everything else will follow.

Let me know how you’re doing to get ready for Thanksgiving – how about sharing a few of your favorite tips and strategies?


  1. Well, let's see, I have been Raw/Vegan for about 7 months now and have had lots of time to think about my Thanksgiving prep. I think I will be making a wonderful salad with lots of veggies and maybe some cranberries and walnuts. I thought I would miss the staples like turkey, stuffing, rolls, etc. but now that it's here I am so ready to stick to my plan! It's amazing how much better I feel and I wouldn't trade that for 100 pumpkin pies! : )

  2. As a military family, we are spread out all over, so this holiday its just my husband and two of our children, we will make it special like we do every year, with everyone pitching in to make the feast. My part starts with the pies (a treat that we save for this special occasion). Baking them the night before gives me time to run a 5K race in the AM. Best of all, we've taken all the family recipes, with all the yummy ingredients, but we tailor them to a cleaner lifestyle that we've become used to. Then, of course there is the mandatory football game after we eat...even the dog gets involved, a family tradition.

  3. I am totally honest here: the nutrition is my wimp out. I moved back in August (from Puerto Rico to the US) and it took me a little while to get on a routine I felt comfortable with. My bid accomplishment: I am finally working out more than 3 times a week. I have added more veggies to my daily intake. I don't say the word diet. I believe in improving my nutrition. I am very excited to make these improvements and look forward to making more. Thanks for the encouragement.
