OxygenD's Editor Blog with Diane Hart

Friday, September 18, 2009

Phone call from Kuwait

It’s a phone call in the middle of the night and you know, as do I, what that usually means – a crisis of one sort or another. But, in this case, when Amy Barnes got a call at 2 am from her husband in Kuwait a couple of weeks ago, it was good news – he’d been reading my blog and noted the casual mention of an “Amy” being photographed at our cover shoot for the upcoming Off the Couch! Oxygen special issue (on stands Oct. 6). He’d called his wife to tell her he’d read on my blog about our “cover” model and that she was in contention for the coveted spot. She was floored! If you check out my blog on Monday, you’ll hear Amy's reaction as she gets some good news!


  1. As a milspouse I have to say that is just fantastic - a double dose of happiness to hear that the call is good news, not bad....and such great news to boot!

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