OxygenD's Editor Blog with Diane Hart

Friday, September 11, 2009

I need your help!

Does the drive-thru call you late at night? Don’t fret – you’re not alone. In fact, all of us reach for junk food at various times in our lives and then feel guilty for a long time afterwards. (And then we have to live with the junk in the trunk too!) Tell me what battles you have with junk food – I’d love to know what triggers you to reach for a burger and fries or soda. Is it a fight with your kids or your significant other? Stress? Something else? I need your help! Let me know…we’re hard at work on our next special issue and would love to include your stories, tips and comments! I’ve posted a new poll on the right hand column of my blog. Can’t wait to see the results!


  1. Pure laziness makes me grab junk food. If I am hungry and don’t want to cook... junk food.

  2. Ironically, I think of junk food as a "treat". It's taken me a long time to figure out it's anything but!

  3. Lots of things can trigger a junk food attack. Boredom, thinking I've done great all week now I can splurge...I deserve this type of thinking.

  4. You know, I had many a time where junk food called my name. It wasn't until I became 100% Raw that the issue went away. Thank goodness : )

  5. Stress and lack of time/organization.


  6. Usually for me it's that TOM that triggers the junk food cravings or this terrible routine that my husband and I have gotten into. We put the kids to bed by 8pm and then it's movie and snack time.
