OxygenD's Editor Blog with Diane Hart

Monday, December 27, 2010

Happy holidays!

I know, I know...the last thing you feel like is heading to the gym, right? Or maybe not. By Christmas Eve I was raring to go and I just couldn't wait for the holidays - not only to spend time with friends and family, but also to get more time to work out! So, how about you? Are you going to relax and take time off from your workouts or mix it up a little - a little R & R and a little working out?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I took a few days off, but now I'm kicking into high gear for the new year!

  3. Had to take a couple of days off due to the flu..but now I'm back on track!

    Happy Holidays!

  4. Day off work? Extra workout! Enjoyed the holidays with family but didn't miss a beat on my workout program, its my stress relief!

  5. You guys are awesome - so inspiring!

